Recliner Blood Donor chair/ Intensive-Cardiac chair for Hospital


Blood donor chairs are designed to provide a comfortable and safe experience for blood donors, and are typically used in blood banks, hospitals, mobile blood donor units.

Here are some uses of blood donor chair:

  • Collecting blood donations
  • Comfortable seating for donors during the donation process
  • Adjustable Positions for optimal comfort and access
  • Built-in armrests for easy access to the donor’s arm
  • Footrests for relaxation and comfort
  • safety features such as a lock to prevent the chair from moving during use
  • Easy cleaning and disinfection between uses
  • Monitoring of vital signs during and after donation
  • providing a safe and comfortable environment for blood donation


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Blood Donor Chair/ Cardiac Chair for hospital use

Here are some uses of blood donor chair:

  • Collecting blood donations
  • Comfortable seating for donors during the donation process
  • Adjustable Positions for optimal comfort and access
  • Built-in armrests for easy access to the donor’s arm
  • Footrests for relaxation and comfort
  • safety features such as a lock to prevent the chair from moving during use
  • Easy cleaning and disinfection between uses
  • Monitoring of vital signs during and after donation
  • providing a safe and comfortable environment for blood donation


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